
creda - 2005-02-22 15:11:15
Interesting! I'm surprised that the court found that a state's right to control commerce trumps a person's right to decide their own purchases. So wacky! Here's yet another reminder of just how puritanical our society (or at least our government) is.
Holly - 2005-02-22 15:46:36
Just another excuse for the fundies to try and control what other people do in private, and is none of thier business.. they'd outlaw use too, If they could figure out how to enforce it.
hissandtell - 2005-02-22 16:44:17
Absolutely unfreakingbelievable. We have our delightful right-wing fundamentalist activists in Oz, too, of course - but for the moment they're too busy trying to change abortion legislation and restrict over-the-counter sales of the morning-after pill to be distracted by the sales of sex toys. I wonder why Alabama doesn't outlaw carrots, zucchinis, corncobs (which I seem to remember from "Mandingo" or something), watermelons or apple pies while they're at it? Love, R xxx
Ahnalyse - 2005-02-22 18:40:31
They tried this same thing here in this state, although I dont exactly remember what the outcome was. I think its absolutely ludicrious that they will try to tell us what we can and cant do in our bedrooms. If I cant have my vibrator, well, lets just say that nothing better happen that I cant have my sex toys!! Im too much a freak to not have them. I am not an activist, but when it comes to this, I will picket on the streets if I have to. People are so stupid. The people who voted against the use of them probably have strap ons in the closet so their wives can fuck them like the bitches they are....

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