
Ahnalyse - 2005-02-14 09:22:23
Oh I am already jealous! It sounds totally awesome. Its so time to do something with my hair again. I just dont know what I want to do yet. The hairdresser in me keeps looking at it going 'do something'...I really need to renew my license..*sigh*
creda - 2005-02-14 10:34:59
That color sounds freakin' amazin!!!!! Will I get to see it? Ooooooh so cool.
Ro - 2005-02-14 11:11:20
Creda, I think I will have it done before February MS, so yes, you will probably see it if you will be there!
Tala - 2005-02-14 15:57:07
I colored my hair over the weekend - red hot brown line from revlon. It is amazing! I know you will love yours when you do it!
hissandtell - 2005-02-14 18:51:31
Yeah, baby! The proposed new colour sounds superb. When I went from black to red-blonde last year I had to stop wearing purple/black/forest green coloured lipstick and buy 30 new shades of red/brown/rust/sienna shades instead. And the eye shadow? Well, let's just say that purple and sage green no longer hit the mark. So yeah, it was a sacrifice, but at least I looked fabulous. Have fun! Love, R xxx

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