
mandie - 2005-01-21 11:06:44 sound like me...I go through this from time to time. Sometimes, lately, I wish JUST ONE THING in my life could be easy...but hey, this is reality not fantasy and it just isn't. I often wonder if it's worth it and I figure I'm not getting out of it. I'm going to have interpersonal struggles that take on the nature of the relationship (ie, marriage, family, co-workers) right up until I make good on my promise to move to a cave and live alone for eternity. So, that's my big two cents. Probably more like two and a half...but hey, what can I say? So far it's all been worth it to me. There's be nothing more challenging, and hence more growth producing and rewarding in my life. There is no other relationship or set of relationships that provide me with this opportunity. And, until I decided that I was going to stop considering leaving as an option, did I really get invested enough to do what *I* needed to do to make it right. And, you know...that's only been recently so we'll see how it goes in a few months! hehe I once was told, and I consider it often although I don't necessarily know if I completely buy it, that "It's not about finding the right partner, it's about being the right partner." Hey...use it for what it's worth, even it that's just to wipe your butt! I love ya girl...and I'll be thinking of ya.
Ang - 2005-01-21 13:09:37
There have been times where I have thought about leaving. Having a real adult relationship can be difficult. No one can tell you the answers except for you. What has stopped me from leaving is that each relationship must be based on 100 percent effort. Usually each person is putting in half. At times though one person will put in less and the other person will help make the difference. If the other partner isn't willing to put the extra effort, or if one partner is constantly putting in more then you have to ask yourself "Is it worth it?" We have been getting along better this year since we both decided to make it work. No one can tell you though when to decide enough is enough.
Willow - 2005-01-21 16:00:59
when you find the answer, let me know. :) All I can say is you deserve the best, and if leaving will give you a chance at it - go for it. lol, I'm happy you don't have a kid to worry about. I'm quite sure I would've left long ago if we didn't have Star. But maybe there's a reason we have her. BTW... Did you get my reply about Andrew's moon sign? I wrote it at work and wasn't sure if if went through.
Willow - 2005-01-21 16:02:13
ok, thta sounded a little crass. yes, there's a reason we have Star, but maybe the part of the reason is related to my relationship issues. She's so cool. Just like you. :)
Tala - 2005-01-21 16:39:47
Ask yourself this question, "Why do you stay?" I mean really - nobody has to know the answers, not your mom, your friends, your journal, only you. After you take away all the window dressings, what do YOU see?
pete - 2005-01-21 22:54:03

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