
hissandtell - 2004-12-30 02:03:40
See? You're a true inspiration to me. You know how we should start the new year as we mean to go on - all neat and organised and, oh, NOT CLUTTERED UP WITH RUBBISH. Well done! And of course you can lose whatever weight you decide to lose; I have great faith in your ability to treat your body well but not listen when it petulantly demands things it doesn't need. (And now I shall have a stern word to my own body, along similar lines.) Have a wonderfully productive year writing in your new pared-down space, darling. Love, R xxx
LR - 2004-12-30 08:30:54
Good luck on your weightloss. has some "profiles" a BMI calculator (sometimes "better" judge for normal people of how much healthier you're getting), etc. There's a "community" there too. We have a Pagans and Friends "group" which isn't really a group (we need organization!) there too. It might help or it might be bull. Cheers
Fae - 2004-12-30 12:47:34
well, i'm looking to lose 20-30 more in less than 5, so I'm right here with you, babe.

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