
Forever - 2004-12-22 10:20:47
Then pick up a book and read it.. you could even be an example to others that come into the library.. they may even start to read a book rather than sit at a computer screen.. Never know..
Ahnalyse - 2004-12-22 10:45:44
I think we are in ths same rut. I have three books that I have started and not finished. I start to read and something happens, so I have to put it down and after I am done, I plop in front of this computer. I really need to read...Only on chapter three in the spiral dance and I have like what...two weeks to finish it? Ah, the holidays...
jon - 2004-12-22 10:59:16
haha. i know where you're coming from. i have a hard time getting through books these days because usually i stop caring what the author has to say about halfway through. nonfiction is a good way around this, usually, and especially history.

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