
LR - 2004-12-02 18:47:30
Question: do all these friends inter-read the diaries? Jeezo, I had one long ago and "learned" for me anyway, I don't want my friends reading my diary and actually getting to know people *only* through the diary and then in the real world can lead to stalking. Eek. You're a lot more positive, I suppose, than I am. Hmm. I should rename mine, LRsAnger. Hmm.
Mo - 2004-12-02 20:22:18
I was completely surprised by how few people responded to my post too -- especially 'cause there were some I would have loved to talk about. I guess people are shy.
Roxy - 2004-12-02 21:56:24
Well DUH we (and I mean I, but I'm sure it applies to all the other silent ones) don't want to come across as shameless and desperate individuals seeking affirmation and ego stroking! Honestly, I was curious, but I know I rock and pretty much anyone that knows me knows that I know I rock, so I figure the reaction would be a roll of the eyes and a grin. Although, yes I would love to have a 'why you rock' done on me. I'll probably add it to my bio somewhere on my webpages. So, if you have the time and inclination, feel free to attack me, Rowan!
hissandtell - 2004-12-03 03:49:16
Well, of course I'd love to know how I rock. But we hardly know each other, darling! Perhaps we need to go on a few picnics together, have some drives into the mountains, go shopping: that sort of thing. Or we could just get drunk together. I'll grab the tequila and fire up the blender for the margaritas, and you bring the cabana boy and the brimstone. Deal? Love, R xxx
4vr - 2004-12-03 10:37:18
Some people would have to be comfortable with the idea, and willing to have it said "publicly" before they'd be willing to ask.. Forever
Ahnalyse - 2004-12-06 08:39:56
Actually, I kinda forgot about diaryland. I miss seeing your postings, so I will probably visit often to keep up with whats going on in your life. I cant seem to even get back to the 'why you rock' posting. Guess I need to figure out diaryland if im gonna use it.

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