
Roxy - 2004-09-28 22:04:49
Gads. Have you heard about the pro-choice t-shirts worn by women that DID choose? Apparantly it is flipping out all the pro-lifers...
Ang - 2004-09-29 02:37:16
Ha Im laughing thinking about that shirt. Especially about the stick man in flames. You gotta love the South and their crazy religion.
Rowan - 2004-09-29 08:37:55
No, I didn't hear about the t-shirts the pro-choicers are wearing...what do they say?
Rowan - 2004-09-29 08:39:03
Yeah Ang, they are pretty freakin' nuts down here in the religious category. I am also finding that politics don't stand to reason, either- we have Pagans that are Pro-Bush, for cryin' out loud.
Cedar - 2004-09-29 09:44:11
Icky icky! And pro-Bush Pagans? I just don't understand.

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