
Frequent Reader - 2004-07-16 09:40:01
Sometimes scaling down the support network is a necessary evil, otherwise it becomes one more issue to sort out, as it has become for you. Because I am a fequent reader I would suggest you work on your organization skills, personally and otherwise. Get day planner, use outlook calender, leave yourself sticky notes. Even the smallest note may remind you of a personal task that will save you anquishing discussions/choices down the road.
Roxy - 2004-07-16 09:48:22
You know me. I know the pain of losing touch with people. Maybe you and I are just special in that we are friends beyond those lapses? That at any moment we can call the other and pick up where we left off? Or maybe these others have too many expectations. I know Angie was bummed because she said she called and left more than one message. I don't think that this is a crossroads where the only place to go is minus these two friends. Maybe you could just try to pick up the pieces as they are now, and slowly build towards a more relaxed correspondence. Maybe you could contact each explaining your situation, apologizing, but letting them know that it wasn't intentional? That your focus has to be on getting through life right now?
Ang - 2004-07-16 10:00:15
As one of your frequent ignorees (sp?) I know that you dont mean it, just things are hectic. The offer still stands if you need to get away for a weekend you have a place here. You can see the punk rawk Gabrielle.
Pete - 2004-07-16 10:44:38
What about me???????? :( boohoo
YoUnGhAwK - 2004-07-17 02:21:03
When you are living life as much as you can it is hard to be the one to keep up with everyone. With school and then trying to be apart of the communitee, the other time is normally used for sleeping, eating or studying. As you can see from many of the reply's here, your real friends understand how life is. As we go through life we meet many people, and for those of us that are open to everyone, make many new friends. Then those friends either choose to follow close to us on our paths in life, or they fall behind as remembered moments in our lives. They can choose to hang with us in our travels or to scream at us from the distance as our lives travel down different roads. Friendships are like relationships, they are two sided coins, sometimes one side comes up more than the other, but when one has it's face in the dirt the other is there on top to help the other see the light of life. The view is great here, and may I give you my eyes to see the greatness you give in your life and the great things around you, just waiting to be seen :)
Rowan - 2004-07-17 11:46:41
Thanks for all the response and suggestions!
Angie - 2004-07-19 11:04:39
Oh Lora, I'm not upset! I know things are hard for you, and it's not like I'm the best at keeping in contact either. It's a matter of me missing the old days when we'd hang out every day, our walks around campus, our long talks, and your tarot readings when we lived together. But people move on, lives get hectic and I know sometimes things get put on the wayside. I am in the same situation. It would feel nice for Merideth and I if you'd make at least one action of contacting each of us, every so often, but if life is too hectic, then c'est la vie. That's all. I know you still care, and if we saw eachother again, it'd be just like old times. Organization, I feel, in your case, is definitely the key. You aren't doing it on purpose, and I know this. I'm sure Merideth will understand this if you talk with her about it. :) Sorry if I made you feel bad, it wasn't my intention! I was very happy to talk to you! And you know you can always call me when things are stressed, or come visit (not as far away as Chicago!), anytime =) Love, Angie
Monica - 2004-07-19 21:37:13
As you well know, I am also a neglectful friend. I am fortunate that most of my friends are understanding about it. I've had a few situations where people have misinterpreted a silence, but usually it gets worked out. I do find myself apologizing for it frequently. I don't really have any advise... just commiseration. I hope things work out with Merideth. I still have that picture of the two of you stuck on my frig.

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